May 24, 2010
Releasing two podcasts at the same time. Same shownotes. Same creamy goodness. BUT! It was Northanger Abby! Not Mansfield Park!!!
May Incentive—3 skeins Simply Socks sock yarn, Peach 0179, 80%
superwash 20% nylon 175 yds:
May 24, 2010
Releasing two podcasts at the same time. Same shownotes. Same
creamy goodness. May Incentive—3 skeins Simply Socks sock yarn,
Peach 0179, 80% superwash 20% nylon 175 yds:
May 9, 2010
Listener Kayleigh took a few
pictures showing how AMAZING the Cobb is -- and the hanker-scarf
she knit whilst in England—AND most importantly, a slew of pics of
her pretending to be Louisa Musgrove!
A cool plaque dedicating the Jane Austen gardens at Lyme
Kayleigh pretending to be Louisa, falling down the...