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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

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Aug 31, 2009

A few quick things: What I did Saturday (and part of why I didn't post on Thursday), a new Etsy store by long-time listener, a new Crafty mag that inspired me, Green Craft


Mason Dixon from Knitting Out Loud, Moccasin sock in all it's reinforced-soled glory, Moccasin Sock


the numbers are a-growin' at Holiday Travel!

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Aug 21, 2009

Not much to post today. Checkout Mission Falls, though. The September incentive people! Whoopie! And don't forget about the 2009 CraftLit I keep forgetting to mention it on the 'Cast... tra la la...

Aug 18, 2009

To say we are all exhausted is such an understatement I'm just going to take it as read that you know that, and move on. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="375" caption="Sock Summit '09 Book"]Sock Summit 09 Book[/caption] It was great! Amazing! (Did I mention I'm tired?) I'm going to put as many pictures and links in here as I can...

Aug 4, 2009

Book talk for chapter 15 starts at 27min or so... Studio magazine Studio Magazine, Spring Summer 2009 Mixed Mania (love those ladies! For all my success in this arena—should there be any—I blame Cheryl.) Mixed Mania What the monsoons should look like. What they look like instead. Hot Day