Jul 27, 2012
Go here, enter the code 'craftlit' and save over 30% off the one-year cover price of the new KnitEdge magazine(full disclosure: I'm a contributor). Coupon expires 3 August, 2012. Fly! Go! Buy!
Not much...
Jul 20, 2012
Some adult themes in this one, guys. Caution with the kiddies.
Band camp video on it's way on the website.
Link to explanatory for subscribing
Tin of Tans genius from Christine.
A Playful Day did a profile of me!
LeadingLadies on Etsy
The Anime film Castle_in_the_Sky
Jul 13, 2012
Fun stuff:
Christine's Tin of Tans
blogpost, (you'll be receiving this pattern on the iPhone/Droid
app or if you are a Subscribing Supporter (see upper right sidebar
for how to subscribe).
Forgot to tell you, A Playful Day did a very sweet profile of me--there are a...
Jul 6, 2012
Fun stuff:
The poltergeist storm (see number 4);
Talmud page
Storm Wrawth in Loudon County (this, btw, is nothing!)
(sorry, cannot get my links to work for Audible! Argh!)
Ruth Marcus "Why I knit" Op-Ed; 1200 TEAny Hats.
I'm now officially teaching...