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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

All of CraftLit's Catalogue can be found here:

Oct 24, 2010

Not a ton of links, but a few: Classic Tales podcast, Twain's slam on King Leopold (wiki explaining the satire here), Gluten-free Bisquick!, and Zentangles fun, and my NaNoWriMo profile (you can friend me with the number in the URL). Plus, here's Hadrian's Wall. Just cuz. Don't forget to pick up the Lewis Creek pattern...

Oct 18, 2010

Today chapters 27 and 28! Links for you: Sew a Where the Wild Things Are hat + pattern!, Tour Flickr group, CraftLit Group page, CraftLit FAN page (!), Austen/Colin Firth article (thank you Marla), Instructables Precision Pumpkin Carving ('tis the season), Donors Choose (for a friend in NY), we get on Casting Pod,...