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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

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May 25, 2006

'Cast number Six!
Yeee Haaaw!

Chapters 14 through 17 of Pride and Prejudice? A Double Header of Annie Coleman...because I'm heading to the Dominican Republic!

We don't have to fear no stinkin' Fiber allergies!
Ew! Acid!

Oh...and I lied. It's FlyLady dot NET! Oops! Sorry!

And...We're Knot Taking Any More. June...

May 18, 2006

Cast number FIVE???
Chapters 11 through 13 of Pride and Prejudice???
Where has the time gone?

Book II ideas: Tom Sawyer!
Tristan & Isolde!
Alice in Wonderland?!—only if one of you record it…
Let me know your thoughts!

Today we get in touch with our inner Granny—specifically the Summer 2005 issue of

May 11, 2006

That's a pic of Jane!

Can you believe we're on chapters nine and ten of Pride and Prejudice?
Me either!
And, once again, I find myself all hot and bothered by Darcey. Ah well...

Before we get to that, today I'll talk to you about some quilting (that's the crazy part) and a wonderful book on toe-up socks (that's the...

May 4, 2006

Welcome to Episode 3!
In this episode I welcome you to the joys of the Jane Austen action figure (and I am Not Kidding); the belly laughs, sly smirks, or horror filled looks of You Knit What???; the adorable (in the eye of the beholder?) cats and bunnies with stuff and pancakes on their heads; and regale you with my...