Apr 23, 2011
Jennie the Potter's show
schedule (where you can get Briar Rose yarn and WWMDfK? patterns!), a reminder
about the new Troubleshooter
site for issues with the CraftLit App (iPhone, iTouch, Droid),
and still crowing about the
sock book for which my wee bitty socks grace the cover. Lookee!
Please be sure to ask
Apr 17, 2011
Just a few linky bits for you: my lovelycousin Amy's blog,
Paul Riser's lovely essay, the Troubleshooter
site for issues with the CraftLit App (iPhone, iTouch, Droid),
build an AT-AT to make America great again (giggle), and the
sock book of which my wee bitty socks grace the cover. Lookee!
Please be sure to...
Apr 9, 2011
NOTE: Trouble with the feed? Try re-subscribing. Some rogue code broke it on 203. Also, for those of you on the Droid/iPhone app, there's now a "library" iisting for you as a SHOW extra. This lets you know which episodes go with which book.
I'm strapped by Strep, but make it to the mic for you!
Couple of links:...
Apr 2, 2011
Just a few bits and pieces: Road Trip info, things for sale plus dog info, a contract wafer
John Bull wiki, Stockholm Syndrome wiki, Flatworld Knowledge's nifty online textbook plan, save the world by blogging, Cooperative Press' Kickstarter Campaign, and a new free eBook for you from me!
Some advice for men April...