Nov 20, 2011
Yeah, so I had no nifty ideas for a title. Sue me. (heh...)
(Scroll to the bottom of the page for a player or grab the show on iTunes or via this feed). Again, many thanks to Arielle Lipshaw and Ehren Ziegler at Chop Bard for our audio this week!
Just the Books is now paralleling...
Nov 8, 2011
(Scroll to the bottom of the page for a player or grab the show on iTunes or via this feed). Again, many thanks to Elizabeth Klett and Ehren Ziegler at Chop Bard, Arielle Lipshaw, and our new voices, Maurice Mengel and Andrew Ordover!
Just the Books is now paralleling...
Nov 4, 2011
(Scroll to the bottom of the page for a player or grab the show on iTunes or via this feed). Again, many thanks to Elizabeth Klett and Ehren Ziegler at Chop Bard and our new voice, Barbara Edelman!
Just the Books is now paralleling CraftLit in real time—for...