Jan 31, 2010
Chapters 15-17 of Flatland! Whoot!
Know what a smooth operator is? A sphere! Trust me.
This week's links: interview with Jasper Fforde (in which he
discusses--wait for it--Flatland!!!), Barknknit podcast promo, Studiographia (my new writing home). proof of my
Listen to episode 157
audio Book talk starts...
Jan 23, 2010
Book talk begins at: 22:30
The Encounter begins!!!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...it's raining. And... tornado...ing? How does one say that? We here are unused to your strange terminology and bizarre windy ways. Some links: Great TechKnitting blog post with links to lots of great and very smart ideas (expensive sock...
Jan 16, 2010
We finish the background info to Flatland today (and
you thought we were already IN the story, didn't you!) and next
episode head into... The Encounter!
Da Da Duuuuummmmmmm
This week some gluten free fun for you UK
travelers and denizens (beer, cider,
food, mobile phone 24/7 beer
guidance), I wax rhapsodic over the
Jan 1, 2010
Christmas knitting (nearly) done. Still working on Welsh Heel
socks for Auntie, sock yarn hat (for picture scroll down a bit) pattern for the hat
here, useful tutorial for Jogless stripes,
cool MixTape Zine and MixTapeZine’s editor’s blog, and nifty attached i-cord tutorial. And the artwork for
chapter 9: And for...