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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

All of CraftLit's Catalogue can be found here:

Sep 27, 2013

Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence, chapter 18, with many thanks to our reader, Brenda Dayne.

If the iTunes feed ever goes down, please head over to the Libsyn site.

Final Throes of the September Giveaway

for Heather's Grounded novel. You have until September 31st. Last month Cheryl W won the yarn from Meg and Rosemary C...

Sep 20, 2013

Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence, chapter 17, with many thanks to our reader, Brenda Dayne.

If the iTunes feed ever goes down, please head over to the Libsyn site.

New Giveaway

for Heather's Grounded novel. You have until September 31st. Last month Cheryl W won the yarn from Meg and Rosemary C won a copy of Big...

Sep 13, 2013

Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence, chapter 16 , with many thanks to our reader, Brenda Dayne.

If the iTunes feed ever goes down, please head over to the Libsyn site.

New Giveaway

for Heather's Grounded novel. You have until September 31st. Last month Cheryl W won the yarn from Meg and Rosemary C won a copy of Big Foot...

Sep 6, 2013

Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence, chapter 15 , with many thanks to our reader, Brenda Dayne.

If the iTunes feed ever goes down, please head over to the Libsyn site.

New Giveaway

for Heather's Grounded novel. You have until September 31st. Last month Cheryl W won the yarn from Meg and Rosemary C won a copy of Big Foot...