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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

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Jan 28, 2008

Original Airdate 2007

3:51 Book Talk Begins
Chapter 16: 6:11
Chapter 17: 28:15

Now it's gotten ridiculous. Pneumonia!

Off to surgery. More as I know it.

Kippot pictures just didn't work out. I'm bummed because I've already delivered them to the Synagogue. I do, however, have Broadstreet mitten pics for you.

Jan 19, 2008

Original Airdate 2007

13:42 Book Talk Begins
Chapter 14 27:03
Chapter 15 36:39

lose a friend with whom I simply did not get to spend enough time, we listen to chapters 14-15, I link you to a weave-a-licious blog post of Dawn's, I continue to wrap wire, look for reeds, and read, and thus I give you a quote from...

Jan 10, 2008

Original Airdate 2007

20:35 Book Talk Begins
Chapter 12: 23:41
Chapter 13: 37:23

Today, we stay with the Creature's narrative about his life with the De Lacey family during chapters 12 and 13. I announce the final winnah of the Jen Minnis Craftlit Charm! (Yay Barbara of IL! Yay Jen of Serious Talent!)

Knitting Out Loud...