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Oct 25, 2013

Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence, Book 2, chapter 21, with many thanks to our reader, Brenda Dayne.

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October Giveaways

You have until October 31st to win a copy of Sweet and Simple Baby Crochet by Kristi Simpson OR Hunter Hammersen's Ne'er-do-Well Knits.


NEWSFLASH: Not only lovely Amazon reviews but now the Goodreads Ravelry Group book for November! I am so, so overwhelmed and excited to know that you like Rosie as much as I do.

You can see (and purchase) the IzzysBouncinBlues-coverfirst two Grounded sock patterns—Rosie and Izzy—or get the updatable eBook.
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All Premium Audio options explained here — current subscriber book, Charles Dickens' (not so) Bleak House and the first chunk of Bleak House is available in the Shoppe(it'll be a bit between chunks).


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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Grounded by Heather Ordover


by Heather Ordover

Giveaway ends October 31, 2013.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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