Jan 29, 2012
(Scroll to the bottom of the page for a player or grab the show on iTunes or via this feed).
Gorgeous author's estates from Tara in TN, the 2012 Calendar of Hope from FitterKnitter 
This is our 4th year of publication and as a survivor myself, it’s my way of giving back with the help of some very talented knitters. Almost 100% of the proceeds go to the armyofwomen.com> which is trying to find out WHY we get breast cancer. You can read more about the calendar on my website www.fitterknitter.com
From Lisa the Extinct Dracula Monkey!!!
Don't forget we have a couple of Knit-a-Longs--Kathleen and her gorgeous Ms Prynne (perfect timing!) and Hunter and her Cthulhu Waits socks!
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(go get your free book and start your trial by clicking above)
Again, many thanks to Jon Scholes at Vaguenet, and Ehren Ziegler at Chop Bardfor our audio this week!
Just the Books is now paralleling CraftLit in real time—for Dracula only. We'll be uploading the books between Pride and Prejudice and Dracula as time and space allow. AND the CraftLit Family page is up and growing! Add what you're up to there and share your "betterness".
Interview starts at 8min and booktalk starts at 25 audio
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