Sep 4, 2011
Sections 1-3 of F. Scott Fitzgerald's story "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" here for you in Episode 221.
These shownotes also count for Episode 222: Are We There Yet? which ends the story (sections 4–6)
JOIN ME IN NEW YORK SEPT 10, 2011 (tix here)—Ehren Ziegler will be there, performing for you!
And now, a bunch of nifty links: Defarge videos--you can start with this one,Homemade Milano Cookies, McSweeny's Huck Finn, Clara Castelar's video on Shepherdstown WV Kills Trees, a nice review of the sock book my Finnish socks adorn, Neat Kickstarter Book Becky Miller sent in. Book links: see Bernice Original Sat Evening Post artwork; a great Midnight in Paris Cheat Sheet, Audible link to the latest version of Hemingway's Moveable Feast, Article on this version of Moveable Feast,
Who was Annie Fellows Johnston, article on Women's Hairstyles, Erté art:
Pre 20s Gibson Girls--all that hair!
PDF of what to do in an EarthQuake! (Thank you Renee!)
Goodreads niftyness!
Book talk begins at 8:30. Listen to 222 audio