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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

All of CraftLit's Catalogue can be found here:

Dec 4, 2010

This set of shownotes, such as they are, cover episodes 189–191—all of A Christmas Carol.

  • 189: Smokin' Bishop!
  • 190: A Present? For me!
  • 191: Have a Dickens of a Christmas!

Here is the compendium of useful links. In this episode I point you towards the CraftLit episodes that cover A Tale of Two Cities, and two other books:

I also spoke of the various file formats you can use to listen to these episodes--please let me know in the sidebar if you are able to watch these versions.

Viewing options

  • mini-video podcasts you can watch here (see below)
  • a video podcast you can put in your iTunes or on your iPod/iTouch/iPhone (right click for 189here, 190 here, and 191 here)--for these special episodes these will ALSO go out on the RSS feed, with the letter "v" after the episode number
  • or the regular old audio file that can be played on any computer or mp3 player and which will come through the feed just like always—right click here–> 189auido">, 190 auidio, and 191 audio

A Christmas Carol—in prose, being a ghost story of Christmas by Charles Dickens Staves 1-2

Read by Glen Halstrom for Librivox

A Christmas Carol—in prose, being a ghost story of Christmas by Charles Dickens Stave 3


A Christmas Carol—in prose, being a ghost story of Christmas by Charles Dickens Staves 4-5


Don't forget to checkout the Dickens Blog Hop and if you are so inclined, please celebrate with me the soon-to-be-released CraftLit app for the Droid!

Don't forget the rest of the Dickens of a Christmas blog hopping fun! Please follow the linky-links above to food, festivities, and more.