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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

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Jul 2, 2010

Welcome back all y’all. It’s been awhile, but we’re hitting the ground running.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is going to be a hoot–when it’s not breaking your heart (like all good books) but I wanted to send you some links as well: Sam and his sweaters; checkout Knitting Out Loud’s new COOKING out loud (yes!); Good old Elizabeth of NY has her Arachne sock calculator coming out as an app for the iPhone soon–but the site version will remain and those of you with Droid phones, Julie found a Droid app workaround until we get our app (when…when…?). Anyone have a suggestion for a Crackberry workaround?

And in CraftLit Takes Over the World news: (okay a very small and bookish part of the world) please check out the WWMDfK? buttons in the sidebars to get updated on the progress of the new pattern book (What Would Madame Defarge Knit? Creations Inspired by the Classics), access to the sneak peak patterns, and finally, newsy bits on the writing tutorial service (for all ages!) coming in August 2010.
Lotsa nifty stuff!

Aside from that, book talk starts at 26:30.
This month’s incentive from Robin of Libby’s Leashes–YOU get to pick!.



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