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CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers

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Oct 30, 2013

BONUS EPISODE-"Masque of the Red Death", because... tis the season! And because Jon Scholes ROCKS!

So, to celebrate, I thought I should give you easy links to some other seasonal audio:

And while I can't knit right now, if you can or want to, you should check out Meg's latest Grounded sock—Jenn's Subtle Majicks.

UPDATE: I had this all set to go out automatically, but I know word has been spreading on the interwebs and my radio silence while taking an hour nap this morning incited panic on Facebook.
The upshot: I'm fine.
I'm typing slowly with one hand b/c my left arm is useless, probably for two or three more days. After getting the flu and then pneumonia last winter, I got flu and pneumonia shots Tuesday morning... in the same arm. This is evidently not something my body liked and it has rebelled.
Ungodly pain hits when I move my left arm. But I've currently got it pinned to me, Napoleon-like, and good doctor drugs let me get some rest.
The other epic fail was getting the Grounded audiobook up this week. Computers conspired as did health, so... next week!
Enjoy the podcast, I'll be fine, and things will return to normal (giggle::snort) next week.

Music by David Beard, “Restless Spirits