Jan 18, 2013
If the CraftLit iTunes feed ever goes down, please head over to the Libsyn site.
Our Sponsors:
Time Sensitive Newsy Bits, Crafty:
Vogue Knitting Live is January 18-20, 2013. Please visit Cooperative Press and stop by Bijou Basin Ranch on Saturday at 1:30 to see Alasdair and have him sign a book!
General Newsy Bits:
If you want to subscribe to support the show, you can read all about the new interface here and discover the simplicity of listening to CraftLit on-the-go on your iPhone/iTouch/Android for free. The next book for Premium Subscribers is--The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde. Listen now before the Stephen Fry/Hugh Laurie animated film comes out!
Please feel free to join our Knit-a-Long for Jane's Ubiquitous Shawl(I'm still plugging along, please feel free to join now! Truly. I won't be done for awhile.).
What (else) Would Madame Defarge Knit?—this time in color!—is available for pre-order!